Small Skull Candle Gift Box in perfect pastel goth colours and beautiful scents. The perfect gothic gift.
Candles included:
x 1 Lilac Skull Candle (Parma Violet Scent)
x 1 Mint Skull Candle (Mint Choc Chip Scent)
x 1 Peach Skull Candle (Bakewell Tart Scent)
- Soy Wax Blend (blended with other natural vegan waxes)
- Fragrance Oil
- Cotton wick
Dimensions of each skull candle:
Height: 4 centimetres
Width: 6.5 centimetres
Gift Notes:
Pop your special gift message in to the 'Notes' section at check-out & this will be included in with your candle gift box
Production Time: The estimated dispatch date for this product is shown below 'Add to Basket'. Shipping time follows this date - select your shipping method at checkout. When purchasing multiple products the longer dispatch date will apply to the order.