The "Ring Of Fire" was a large report put together by the Violence Prevention Research Program during the height of a gun-crime-driven nightmare in Southern California's most violent period, the early to mid 90s.
In this report it pinned blame on 6 manufacturers of hilariously cheap, unreliable, downright dangerous pocket pistols: AMT, Phoenix, Davis, Lorcin and Bryco. While staunchly anti-gun, the report points out the comedic inadequacies of the practically disposable crime guns. Construction, safety, and choice of caliber to chamber them in almost never lead to a successful self-defense scenario, according to police reports. They also pointed out that the quality of metal used to construct them was soo poor that when trying to rid of confiscated examples, local recyclers declined it as it might "ruin a whole batch of material". Police instead had to take these crime guns and shred them inside of junked cars.
As if the anarcho-capitalistic line-toeing wasn't enough, a quote from an NRA official Jeff Cooper before the report read, "The consensus is that no more than five to ten people in a hundred who die by gunfire in Los Angeles are any loss to society. These people fight small wars amongst themselves. It would seem a valid social service to keep them well-supplied with ammunition". If that isn't a quote that would get you cancelled in a heartbeat nowadays, we're not sure what is.
So in parody of the report's anti-gun narrative, and celebrating some of the worlds crappiest guns ever made, we've pain-stakingly recreated some of the hilarious graphics used in the report to vilify the manufacturers, and included some of the spicy quotes from the document to bring it all together. The result is a look back at a second amendment issue that continues to be debated about to this day...
- High quality font-and-back screen printed design on Hanes Beefy-T shirts
- Custom blended inks to last much longer than the original & not flake off
- Altered (more accurate) details
- Tribute to one of the most comprehensive reports on Saturday night specials & other fantastically crappy pocket pistols
- Boxy, retro fit with heavier-than-normal fabric weight for high durability
For the best possible result to maintain the print on the shirt, simply turn it inside out before you put it in the wash, then wash on cold and tumble dry on 'low'. This will ensure that the shirt doesn't shrink or stretch, and will keep the print intact for many years - We have shirts from this supplier with elaborate designs & a lot of wear time that have completely intact prints after over 5 years and countless washes!